GenPI Central Java to promote affordable tourism through Karetan Market

Photo by: The Jakarta Post

Indonesian Charms Generation (GenPI) Central Java (Jateng) chapter is holding an event called Karetan Market on November 5.
According to the Karetan Market committee head Mei Kristianti, the market aims to develop affordable tourism by selling products that are priced below Rp. 10,000 ($0.74).

“We are creating an off-line event with Karetan Market, however we will still use social media to attract audience and creating a new market. The event will be located at Radja Pendapa,” said Mei.

The location is 45 minutes away from Semarang, and is located on the edge of a forest. Moreover, the place also exudes a country atmosphere. No entrance fee is required for visitors, the market itself will be available from 06:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.
“The concept of this market is traditional, tempo dulu (old times). There are also traditional games for kids,” said Mei.

Apart from shopping, visitors can also do a trekking activity with their families. The trekking distance is divided into three levels: 3 km, 5 km and 10 km.
GenPi Jateng head Shafigh Pahlevi Lontoh has made a promise to hold this event every week, “We want to create a new attraction, a new destination. We will hold this event every Sunday morning and constantly post it on social media,” told Shafigh.

Shafigh added that he will make the place kid-friendly by providing traditional games such as egrang, dakon, kelereng (marbles) and gobaksodor.
Mei also encouraged the locals to cook traditional cuisines that can be sold at the market every week.

Recently, GenPI in Riau Islands hosted an event called Wonderful Malay Fiesta 2017 in Batam that attracted 331 overseas tourists while GenPI in Aceh held an event called Sanger Day Festival 2017.
“This is a creative solution from GenPI for digital sociopreneruship,” said tourism ministry’s communication department special staff, Don Kardono.

“GenPI members consists of young people who have been actively promoting tourism through social media such as blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path and others,” Don added.

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