About Central Java

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01General Information

Welcome to Central Java, The Culture Wonder... Located in the middle of the island of Java, the Central Java province is bordered by West and East Java Provinces. Central Java is also located next to Yogyakarta Special Region province. Yogyakarta is historically and culturally part of the Central Java region, although it is now a separate administrative entity. Read more »


Java has been inhabited by humans or their ancestors (hominina) since prehistoric times. In Central Java and the adjacent territories in East Java remains known as "Java Man" were discovered in the 1890s by the Dutch anatomist and geologist Eugène Dubois. Java Man belongs to the species Homo erectus. Read more »


As of the 2010 census, Central Java's population stood at some 32,380,687. As of the 1990 census, the population was 28,516,786. So the population has increased approximately 13.5% in 20 years. Islam 95.7%, Protestant 1.7%, Catholic 3.2%, Hindu 0.08%, Buddhist 0.64%, dan Kejawen 0.33%.


Central Java is considered to be the heart of the Javanese culture. Home of the Javanese courts, Central Javanese culture formed what non-Javanese see as the "Javanese Culture" along with it stereotypes. The ideal conducts and morals of the courts

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